Yep. No sooner than I had started the last one, I was planning this next one. Before I go into more detail I'd like to thank all who helped me with my last show. Namely, Kate, Andy, Christine, my Wife, and my good friend Jed, who makes exceptional coffee and company. None of it would've been possible were it not for you.
I sold over half my canvases, one even to the States, had incredible coverage on the press (Ben) and TV (Emma), and had a really encouraging response from the local community as well as tourists who came in during their visit to Glenfiddich.
But time waits for no man, and so I plotted my next show. A close friend noted that most of my work sells locally, and so I decided to do something that would be a tribute to this area. I chose the local Harbour at Buckie. It has had a pivotal past to play in this area and in the lives of generations of families. It has seen great changes in its time and I felt a lot of those were echoed in my circumstances as well as many of the local guys who had once worked the boats or shipyard but now found themselves offshore and finding that threatened too.
I also grew up as a coastal child, often visiting harbours with my Dad in his role as a Coastguard. I felt a familiarity and affinity with the idea of the Harbour.
I have so far organised premises and am most of the way into finishing the body of work for this show.
Open Arms, midway through completion
I'm really looking forward to showcasing my collection with you.