Here's the result of last nights session, inspired by my good friend and exceptional photographer Kate, and her recently published photograph of waves washing ashore in Lossiemouth. I've known Kate since school, and have followed her on Instagram for years now. I'm always surprised and intrigued by her work, as it shows a unique approach to composition and an intense imagination. Kate, if you are reading this, publish your work!
Painting this was a challenge but rewarding because of that. I used the technique known as Alla Prima, which means the paint was wet on wet and thickly applied too. I wasn't aiming to recreate it to figuratively, as that would be no better than just creating a copy. I allowed it to inform colour and movement and translated that through paint and brush strokes. I wanted the paint to come alive as you view the painting, to take you right into the setting and refresh you. Or make you worried about getting wet feet.