
Sunlight is drifting through the window onto my shoulders as I write this from the comfort of the leather sofa in the Glenfiddich Gallery. My daily home for the last two weeks, I've been at the centre of the Spirit of Speyside whisky festival when local distilleries open their doors and invite you round to share their secrets. What an atmosphere! Locals and visitors from all around the world have been on good form despite it beginning in a blizzard. 

The gallery has been buzzing to, with over half the canvases being claimed in the first week. It's been such a revelation. This whole time I've been fixated with producing the work and then with the logistics of the exhibition. So much so that I'd not taken the time to consider the bit where I'm meeting visitors and discussing the work. I needn't have worried as it's been great seeing people's reactions and responses to my work. After working alone for the last six months on this, you can imagine how good the feedback feels.

if you're reading this having been to see my work, I'd love to read your comments below. If you haven't been yet, hurry up! Only two days left 😉
