A short time ago. some of you may remember, I sold this painting, called Steadfast, to a wonderful woman, who had spent some of her professional career working in a number of different galleries. Now. aside from the commission of Sunset Flock, this painting was my first sale. My first non-commission sale. This was an exciting moment, and we met up not far from where this was painted. We had decided to take our dogs out along the beach to see the Bothy for ourselves. She thought it was wonderful to see the building herself, before taking the painting home to a cosier environment.
Just recently she got back in touch, asking if i'd be interested in taking part in an exhibition at Kildrummy in September. I replied it would be amazing, and when she replied she sent me this appraisal of the painting she had bought.
"One happy lady with this painting hung on her wall!
A painting is personal and the relationship to it has a strong element of knowing.
With this painting in particular, the sweep and openness of the sky, with the colours and the elements, seem to bring a freshness and a clarity to an isolated bothy.
The painting says more, however, and I feel that a painting be allowed to speak for itself.
Fiona "
It's always lovely to sell a painting, but it's heartwarming to hear from the buyer again, especially when they're as happy with it as you.